

Spacious, well ventilated and well furnished classrooms, in sufficient number are available. Each classroom is provided with Over Head Projectors (OHP) and other teaching aids. 
Spacious, well furnished dissection theater for practical training in śārīra racanā (Anatomy) is available for students. Computerized dissection facility is also made available. 
The library hall is spacious, ventilated and well furnished. It has computerized indexing and Repographic facility. There are about 15,000 volumes, 40 research journals and enough literature in electronic form. 
The various library services are: 

  1. Text book service 
  2. Lending & inter library loan facility 
  3. Reading room facility 
  4. Information & reference service 
  5. Display of current additions and new arrivals
  6. Documentation services 
  7. Indexing & abstracting services 
  8. Reprographic services 
  9. Audio-visual facilities 
  10. Assistance in the use of library 

The laboratories of this institute are well equipped to instill the practical training of both UG & PG students and also to facilitate research activities of Post Graduate students. 
Digital library is equipped with latest configured computer systems, high speed broad band and Wi-Fi internet services are made available to both UG & PG students. Different softwares concerned to Ayurveda and medical information CD's are made available.